Friday, September 18, 2009

Apple Rabbit Wallpaper

After posting Orange wallpaper apple macintosh, operating system wallpaper now will edit the wallpaper apple wallpaper for you. This wallpaper call Apple Rabbit Wallpaper. Why rabbit? no i can't explain.. just take a rest and enjoy this wallpaper.


Click to Enlarge this Apple Rabbit Wallpaper

Linux Sexy Girl Wallpaper

For loyal users linux, linux equivalent of a pretty girl who needs to be preserved. As seen from the following wallpapers. Linux Girl Wallpaper. This Wallpaper is dedicated specifically to women lovers linux. And you can see other linux wallpaper on this blog. Such as, Linux beat Windows Wallpaper


Click to Enlarge this Linux Girl Wallpaper. Just take a rest

'Aliens' Intel Inside Wallpaper

To motivate the computer assemblers to wear their chip, Intel promised to subsidize the cost of computer assemblers ads. Condition, the ad must have the logo "Intel Inside". The meaning of this logo is very simple, just telling you that the computer uses artificial chip "Intel". Well, intel inside wallpaper that is at least one encouraging intel processor loyal users.


Click to Enlarge to view this Intel Inside Wallpaper

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Orange Apple Macintosh Wallpaper

Operating System Mac OS X from Apple's latest generation dubbed Snow Leopard. If you like macintoch operating system, maybe you interest with this wallpaper, orange apple macintosh wallpaper.


Click to Enlarge
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard now supports 64-bit kernel in it. Try orange apple macintosh wallpaper with your macintoch operating system.

Linux beat Windows Wallpaper

Linux is an open source program for free under the GNU license, 32-64 bit operating system, which is derived from Unix. If you like linux, this linux wallpaper maybe make you interest.


Click to Enlarge
Linux attend because dominance windows. This next wallpaper to see how linux want to shift windows dominance.

Windows XP Wallpaper Power OS

You know windows? Microsoft windows operating system is based GUI (Graphical User Interface) and the windows operating system is complete with the application program is much more reliable when compared with the previous windows operating system. If you like the windows, maybe windows xp wallpaper images you can use as wallpaper on your Computer.


Windows xp is Power OS, like that wallpaper.
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